a child pointing to his reading schedule Simple Steps to Establish a Consistent Reading Schedule

Establishing a consistent reading schedule is one of the most effective ways to foster a love of reading in children and ensure their academic success. By incorporating regular reading into your child’s daily routine, you can help them develop critical literacy skills, improve their focus, and build a lifelong habit of reading. In this article, we’ll explore simple yet powerful steps to create a reading schedule that works for your family, along with tips to keep your child engaged and excited about books.

1. Start with a Set Time Every Day

Consistency is key when it comes to developing any habit, and reading is no exception. Choose a specific time each day dedicated solely to reading. Whether it’s 20 minutes before bedtime, during breakfast, or after school, having a fixed reading time helps your child anticipate and look forward to their reading sessions. Mornings can be a great time to read when the mind is fresh, while evening reading routines can help wind down the day. Find a time that fits naturally into your family’s daily rhythm.

2. Create a Comfortable Reading Environment

A welcoming reading environment plays a significant role in making reading an enjoyable experience. Designate a cozy reading corner in your home, complete with comfortable seating, good lighting, and easy access to a variety of books. You might include pillows, blankets, and a small bookshelf filled with age-appropriate books. When your child associates this space with comfort and enjoyment, they’ll be more inclined to spend time there with a book.

3. Let Your Child Choose the Books

Giving your child the autonomy to choose what they read can significantly boost their interest in reading. Visit the library or bookstore together, and let your child explore different genres, authors, and topics. When children select their own books, they are more likely to be invested in reading. Encourage them to try new genres, but also allow them to revisit their favorites. This freedom helps to foster a positive and proactive attitude towards reading.

4. Set Achievable Reading Goals

Setting small, achievable reading goals can motivate your child and give them a sense of accomplishment. For younger readers, this could be reading a certain number of pages or finishing a short book. For older children, it might involve completing a chapter each day or reading for a set number of minutes. Celebrate these milestones with praise or small rewards, such as a sticker chart, to keep them motivated.

5. Incorporate Reading into Daily Activities

Integrating reading into daily activities can make it feel like a natural part of life rather than a chore. For instance, you can read recipes together while cooking, follow written instructions for a DIY project, or read signs and labels during errands. This approach not only enhances your child’s reading skills but also shows them the practical applications of reading in everyday life.

6. Use Technology to Your Advantage

In today’s digital age, there are numerous tools and apps designed to make reading fun and interactive for kids. E-books, audiobooks, and educational apps can be a great supplement to traditional reading. Set aside time during your child’s reading schedule for them to explore these digital resources. Just be sure to monitor screen time and ensure that it complements, rather than replaces, reading physical books.


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7. Model Good Reading Habits

Children often imitate the behaviors they see in their parents. By demonstrating your own love for reading, you can inspire your child to do the same. Let them see you reading books, magazines, or newspapers regularly. Share what you’re reading with them and discuss interesting topics. This not only encourages them to read but also provides an opportunity for meaningful conversations.

8. Make Reading a Social Activity

Reading doesn’t have to be a solitary activity. Encourage family reading time where everyone gathers to read their own book or a shared book together. You can also set up a mini book club with your child’s friends, where they read the same book and discuss it during playdates or online. Making reading a social experience can add an element of fun and engagement, helping your child stay excited about their reading schedule.

9. Encourage Reading Variety

Exposing your child to a variety of reading materials can keep their interest alive. Include fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and even comic books in their reading list. Each genre offers different benefits and can cater to varying interests and moods. For instance, fiction can spark creativity and imagination, while non-fiction can satisfy curiosity about the world. By encouraging variety, you help your child discover new interests and keep the reading experience fresh and exciting.

10. Monitor Progress and Adjust as Needed

Regularly review how the reading schedule is working for your child. Are they enjoying it? Do they find the books too easy or too challenging? Adjust the schedule, goals, and book selection based on their feedback and progress. Flexibility is important to ensure that the reading routine remains enjoyable and effective. If your child seems to be losing interest, consider introducing new books, changing the reading time, or incorporating different reading-related activities.

11. Celebrate Successes and Milestones

Recognizing and celebrating your child’s reading achievements is crucial for maintaining their enthusiasm. Whether they finish a book, improve their reading speed, or hit a new milestone, be sure to acknowledge their efforts. You might reward them with a new book, a fun outing, or simply words of praise. Celebrating these successes reinforces the importance of reading and motivates your child to continue their reading journey.

12. Address Challenges with Patience

It’s normal to encounter challenges when establishing a new routine, including a reading schedule. Your child might resist at first, or they may have days when they’re not in the mood to read. Approach these challenges with patience and understanding. Discuss any difficulties with your child and try to find solutions together. Remember that the goal is to make reading a positive experience, not a forced activity.

13. Engage in Shared Reading

Shared reading is a powerful tool for building a child’s reading skills and fostering a love of books. This involves reading together and discussing the content as you go. For younger children, you can read aloud and encourage them to follow along. For older kids, take turns reading passages and talk about the story, characters, and what might happen next. Shared reading not only enhances comprehension but also strengthens the bond between parent and child.

14. Involve the Whole Family

When the entire family participates in reading activities, it reinforces the importance of reading and creates a supportive environment. Consider having family reading nights where everyone reads together. You could also take turns picking books to read aloud to each other. Family involvement makes reading a shared experience, which can be more motivating and enjoyable for your child.

15. Stay Consistent, but Flexible

While consistency is crucial, it’s also important to remain flexible. Life can be unpredictable, and there may be days when sticking to the reading schedule isn’t possible. Don’t stress about occasional disruptions. Instead, focus on getting back on track as soon as possible. The key is to maintain a positive attitude toward reading and continue to prioritize it as a valuable part of your child’s daily routine.


Establishing a consistent reading schedule for your child is a simple yet powerful way to cultivate a lifelong love of reading. By setting aside dedicated reading time, creating a comfortable environment, allowing book choice, and incorporating fun and interactive elements, you can help your child develop strong reading habits. Remember to celebrate their successes, stay patient through challenges, and involve the whole family in the reading journey.

For parents looking for additional resources to support their child’s reading development, the Reading Head Start program by Sarah Shepard offers a comprehensive approach to early literacy. This program provides step-by-step guidance, interactive materials, and personalized support to help children become confident readers. Investing in such a program can make a significant difference in your child’s reading skills and overall academic success.



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